I am happy to report that I totally survived getting my gallbladder removed two days ago. Go me! Besides having a bloaty belly and walking slightly hunched over since the operation, it wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be. In fact, the first thing I noticed was not having the hot, stabby, angry gallbladder feeling in my abdomen. Funny how that goes away once its removed.
Anyway, I didn’t think I’d feel up to any online interaction but let’s be honest, there isn’t much that would keep me away from that. Except being in another country or lack of internet connection, I suppose. But here I am, a convalescing girl in bed, watching YouTube. WHY? Because the new episode of TableTop that I did with Emma Caulfield, John Kovalic and Wil aired today!
It was nearly 100 degrees in the studio that day, but we all somehow managed to keep our sweaty under control. It was a lot of fun to play the game and just be on the show again. I’m not going to spoil anything for you, but I will say that you will definitely want to watch through the end of the credits.
I also did a separate little interview if you feel like watching that as well.
I hope you enjoy this episode as well as all the others from this season and last. Until next time! PLAY MORE GAMES.
Good luck with recovery! I had my gallbladder out a year ago and my biggest surprise was when I went off painkillers. Amazing how when all the gallbladder pain and misery went away I wanted to eat all the things.
Ehugs for your recovery and #MeanStabbyFace for your gallbladder
I’m glad you feel better and are doing well.
I REALLY enjoyed your return to TableTop. You looked a lot more relaxed and comfortable this time. Which directly led to you occasionally out-hosting Wil.
Your “I really enjoyed doing that” expression in the post-credits bonus bit made me laugh out loud. As did Wil’s verbal requests to prevent a repeat of the ‘Anne Smash’.
Looks like they strengthened the table surface… but you handled that very well *swooosh*
Great Tabletop Episode
Great Game! We alreadyown it, it´s a lot of fun!
And not to forget: Gget well soon!
Glad you are doing well!
I hope your hubby has been taking very good care of you and not burning down the house when he cooks! 😉
Word of warning…when you’re back to eating a regular diet, stay close to the bathroom. You may need some ‘adjustment’ time… 😉
Excellent! Glad you’re feeling better!
Excellent show! Good to hear you are feeling better and that everything went well. Make Wil sing Soft Kitty for you a couple of times and let the healing begin!
I just came to your blog specifically to check if your surgery went well. Glad to hear all is good and that you are recovering!
Now to go watch TabelTop 🙂
Your credit bonus was super fun, but in your interview you are almost too calm. I needed jazz hands or vandaleyes or something like that. Nice idea having a foundation though, way to increase awesome!
I had my gallbladder out when I was 25. I had an attack one day at work, spent the day in the hospital, and then had to wait about 6 months until I could have it removed (I just needed more sick time available). My doctor told me he thinks it’s genetic more than anything, as I didn’t fit any of the standard things you would think of as someone who’s needed their gallbladder removed. My grandmother has had attacks as well, so I would guess he’s probably right. Is there anyone else in your family with this issue?
I’m really glad I had it out (and I went on a dessert binge fest right after). The hardest part about recovery for me was just my digestive track getting back in gear…ie, constipation. I have noticed that some really fatty foods tend to go right through me now (wow, too much information?) but other than that, I’m just glad I won’t have to worry about it any more attacks!
I hope your recovery goes well! Celebrate with a piece of fried chicken!
Can’t wait to watch it, Ticket to Ride is one of my favourite board games! If you don’t mind, could you write a post someday about Riley? Our dog has been displaying signs of anxiety lately and I’d love to hear what you tried for him along the road to meds. I miss my happy-go-lucky buddy! Thanks 🙂
Sounds like surgery went well, that’s a very good thing and thanks for the heads up on the “Tabletop” Easter egg. I missed it the first time.
And finally something you should see: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10151813161602757&set=a.10151813163257757.1073741828.257275187756&type=1&relevant_count=1
(hope that worked).
Get well quick and feel better! I had mine out years ago too, who needs it!
My wife had her gallbladder removed a few years ago, and two weeks later, she was laying sod in our front yard, like the crazy person she is.
I’m glad to hear your recovery is going well.
Looks like we both did the gall bladder thing at about the same time in January. Unlike yours mine gave no warning–though genetics were against me as my grandmother, two aunts, and father all had to have theirs out. In hind sight I realized it was beginning to act up a few times before as I had finally re-discovered fried chicken after some 7 years living with celiac disease and not having a suitable breading. I am 47, turning 48 in April.
Mine struck me on Friday January 17th as I was I doing a lab demo for my Chemistry students on Mentos and Coke. It was a 1/2 day for them as we were wrapping up the semester when it hit. I thought was the worst case of heartburn I’d ever had so I flew down the hall to where the science dept. had some tums left over from experiments and gobbled them. Went out to lunch with friends and had a baked potato and that was the last solid food I would see until Sunday. When I got back to work I had turn in some final grades, but by then I had done another round of Tums and some aspirin and was in so much pain, all I could do was lie in the floor between typing in grades. Everytime I moved I threw up until it was dry heaves. Finally, I drove home with every other word expletive not deleted. I got home and went upstairs for about 5 minutes before I told my wife to take me to the hospital.
That was my biggest mistake of the day in that I passed by the hospital on the way home, but was too hard headed to stop. The next mistake was letting my wife drive me, but with her on disability and me not going the Heisenberg route with my teacher’s salary an ambulance bill was one thing I did not need. As a result I sat in the waiting room of the ER from 5 PM to past midnight before I made it to a treatment bay. Pain that started at an 8 I gave up measuring instead being in near tears begging to just die. Morphine was my friend when I finally got back. An ultrasound led to an admission and a quick spot on the surgeons dance card for Saturday morning. I was lucky to get it laproscopically (unlike my father), but the surgeon had to stick me in five spots instead of the usual 3 because it was so inflamed he almost could not get it out.
Weak beef broth and jello were my first food in some 30 hours since the potato. After surgery all I felt was surgical pain. Got sent home on Sunday and had 1/2 a gluten free meat lovers pizza to celebrate. So much for bland food. By Tuesday I was back at work prepping for a new semester. I was moving very slow, and my co-workers were amazed I was there. Teaching the last two days that week was agony as it hurt to yawn, laugh, or breathe deep. Went to the surgeon on Monday, and when he pulled the bandaids off I finally started feeling a bit better. All in all it took me about 2 weeks to begin to feel like my old self. I’ve been fortunate in that I haven’t had the digestive issues my co-workers who been through it tell horror stories about. The positive is that between being sick, surgery, and then the post-op pain, my appetite plummeted, and I have cut my portion sizes back, and I finally feel motivated to lose some weight as I’m up to the largest waist size of my life.
I hope your recovery has gone smoothly for you. This is not something I would wish on my mortal enemy, regardless which TNG character he played. Thanks for letting me vent.