Every year, I hear of tons of geek-related conventions that are happening all over the world. Before I met Wil, I didn’t even know these conventions existed. Apparently, he would attend them as a fan when he was younger, and as an adult (and even more so in the last couple of years) he attends them as a guest. I would tag along with him to one or two of them a while back but now that our kids our older and out on their own, I can travel with him more often. It’s been a fun and gradual way for me to experience what conventions are like.
This weekend, I am attending a convention without my husband for the FIRST TIME EVER because I am helping to promote not one, but TWO awesome projects with two different companies that I worked on with my friend, Bonnie Burton. We’re going to be at Emerald City Comicon in Seattle today through Sunday (March 27-30.) Bonnie and I will be in Espionage Cosmetics booth on Saturday from 3 to 6pm, and on Sunday from 12 to 3pm to promote the VandalEyes nail wraps we designed with them because OHMYGOD THEY ARE SO CUTE.
We also designed some VandalEyes t-shirts with WeLoveFine and our proceeds from the sales will be donated to the Pasadena Humane Society, which I absolutely love. We will be in their booth for a bit on Friday, Saturday and Sunday (I will announce the exact time on Twitter as it gets closer.) The shirts are super cute and comfy and help support rescue pets! EVERYONE WINS!
If you’re going to attend ECCC, come visit us and check out both of these projects that are making their debut here. If you aren’t able to attend but would like to order these, you can click on the links and order away!
After Emerald City, I will be at San Diego Comicon in July, GenCon in August, Rose City Comicon in September, and Geek Girl Con in October. (I’ll be traveling with Wil to all of those EXCEPT Geek Girl Con, which I will be going to just with Bonnie.) I love meeting tweety buddies in real life so I hope I get to meet more of you at one of these conventions!
Have a great weekend!
That is beyond awesome! Have a GREAT time!
YAY For you!
Would love to go, but a.) money b.) I panic in crowds of more than 3 people :p
this is exciting, I am so happy that you both are making so much with Vandal Eyes!!
Hooray! I plan on following the trail of Vandal Eyes until I find you & Bonnie at the convention. Just one more day! WOOHOO!!
These are so cool. Have a great time this weekend. Wish I could be there.
The nail wraps are cute. I wish I could go. Instead I’ll be ordering some offline.
Way to go! Congrats on attending your first conventions on your own!
It’s funny, at Wil’s talk at Planet Comicon, someone asked if you would ever be on stage with him, and he said, “No, Anne doesn’t think of herself as a celebrity.” And I thought, “I don’t really think of Wil as a celebrity. He’s just this guy, you know? This fellow nerd who gets excited and makes things and acts in stuff, so he gets invited to appear at these conventions. Yes, he has a lot of fans (including me), but he’s really just one of us.” And you’re one of us, too, Anne! 🙂
Looking forward to it Anne! Now that I have some times I can revamp my schedule so I can come stalk…uh…meet you. Yeah, that’s right. Meet you in person! 😀
You’ll love GenCon. Tons of games to play, plus lots of other stuff going on. Bonus: plenty of things to #Vandaleyes.
The heart with the VandalEyes is more terrifying than Wil’s Clown Sweater.
And yet… 😉
any chance they’ll come in white? super awesome to rock for the color run in june!
Anne, do you ever think of yourself as a really capable entrepreneur? Because that’s what you are. I wish you all the success in the world on this venture.
Love the nail wraps & I was so happy to finally find out what you & Bonnie were glamorously vandal eyes’d up for a photoshoot for! I so want that 2nd shirt, too. Love it!
Love the look of the vandal eyes nail wraps but I have tried nail wraps on the past and had a really hard time putting them on myself. Any tips?