
On December 31, 1995, I had planned a quiet evening home alone. I had spent the two months prior dealing with the aftermath of an unfortunate 2 year relationship which occurred after an equally unfortunate 6 year relationship with someone else. I really just wanted to stay home, away from people, and be by myself.  And by away from people, I meant men.

A friend of mine called to see why I wasn’t going to the New Year’s party that our mutual friend, Stephanie, was throwing. I had already told Stephanie about my home sulk plan, which she reluctantly respected, but this other friend wasn’t hearing of it. I finally caved, telling her I was going to “look like shit and have a terrible time” but I would go. I put on a t-shirt, jeans and a pair of Converse, and headed out the door to pick up my friend to go to a party I still wasn’t quite sure why I had agreed to attend.

As we walked up to Stephanie’s apartment building, we could see three guys walking out. One was Stephanie’s boyfriend, Steve, the other was their downstairs neighbor, Philip, and the third guy I’d never seen before. He introduced himself as “Wil” and said they were going to get food and would be right back. We headed up to the party, which ended up being a lot of fun because there were other friends I didn’t expect to see there. We played games, talked, danced and sang WAY too loud to the music. I finally took a break, and headed over to the food table.

I was munching on a handful of grapes when Stephanie walked up to me like we were in 6th grade, with a secret she wanted to share. “My friend Wil thinks you’re cute…” To which I responded “That’s nice. I haven’t even seen him since I passed him downstairs two hours ago.” She nudged her head in the direction of the balcony, saying “He’s out there” in a low voice. “He’s talking to a girl I’ve never seen before, which is totally fine because I decided my New Year’s resolution was no men for 6 months” I announced. She laughed as we headed back to the living room with some pretzels and beer to start playing the next game.

Another hour passed and the apartment filled with people. It was getting stuffy so I headed out to the balcony for some fresh air. I chatted with a couple of people who eventually went back inside, and found myself alone out there with only Wil. We talked for about 20 minutes when I realized I’d never met anyone like him. He was kind, intelligent, funny, and cute in an oddly charming, nerdy way. Remembering my resolution of no men, I quickly made my way back to the party.

We rang in the New Year and continued the fun until 4:30 in the morning. Exhausted, I made my rounds saying goodbye to everyone, eventually going out to the balcony where Stephanie, Steve, and Wil were. (Seriously, what’s with this guy and balconies?) Wil had a surprised look on his face and said “You’re leaving already?” “Already?!” I said. “It’s 4:30 and I have kids coming back from their dad at noon. I need sleep!” And with that, he gave me a hug and I left.

Four days later, Stephanie and Steve invited me to the movies with them.  After I agreed to join, she said “Uh…our friend, Wil is coming with us. Is that ok?” I told her it was fine, and they picked me up at 7. I know we went to see “Sense and Sensibility” but Wil and I were those people who talked through the ENTIRE movie. I was so comfortable around him and conversation came easy but I had a resolution, dammit, and I was going to stick to it.

At the end of the evening, Wil offered to drive me home. We stood outside on the curb in front of my house, talking, laughing, and obviously feeling like we should go home because it was now 3:30 in the morning. I knew the night kept going because we were both unsure of how to end it. Finally, I said “Are you going to kiss me or what?” and he quickly leaned in and kissed me. We said our goodbyes and he left but after that day, we pretty much spent every free moment talking on the phone and going out with Stephanie and Steve, but not alone because I had a New Year’s resolution, dammit, and I was going to stick to it.

After six weeks of joking that we were dating Stephanie and Steve, I finally caved to my stupid New Year’s resolution, and told Wil I wanted him to be my boyfriend. His response was “Well, I don’t know what you’ve been doing, but I’ve only been dating you for the last 6 weeks.” DAMN. I was doing the same thing. I didn’t stick to my resolution AT ALL.

I’ve never made a New Year’s resolution since that night, eighteen years ago. I may not be good at sticking to a resolution, but New Year’s will always remind me of the best commitment I’ve ever made.

38 thoughts on “Resolution

  1. BEST New Year’s resolution story EVER!!! Brought tears to my eyes! You and Wil are my favorite people I have never met, and this makes me happy!

  2. That is an awesome story! Wishing you, Wil, Ryan, Nolan, Watson, Luna, Seamus, Marlowe, and Riley a very happy and healthy new year!

  3. I never go out for new Years Eve. This year for some unknown reason I agreed to go out with my sister, brother in law and their friends. HHMMMMM……

  4. Awww. Darn it there’s something in my eye!

    I also met my husband when I was in a mindset of “no relationships for a while.” We first met through friends in late in the year and I thought he was nice and funny but I just wasn’t ready to possibly open myself up to hurt yet so when he was interested I nicely said “no thanks.” Luckily, a couple of months later my friends decided to invite him (with my premission) to a big 21st birthday party they were throwing and the rest is as they say, history. Married for almost 23 years now. Sometimes fate just steps in and points us in the direction we need to go.

    Thanks for sharing your story with us. You and Wil are adorable together.

  5. Thanks for sharing. I know that feeling… Jennifer and I had our first planned night together on New Year’s End 1993. 20 Years ago now.

    Don’t forget to make sure the puppies get pets as always

  6. I have always wondered how you two met.
    I too had the “no men” promise – I had just started grad school and had broken up with a guy after living with him for 2 years because I found out he really was NOT divorced. I went on a bike ride with friends and met Erich. The next two weeks we were constantly on the phone and guess what, 2 months later we eloped and this year we celebrated our 27th anniversary.
    See what happens when you say “no guys for a while” – bam it hit you in the heart.

  7. Aww, that’s a lovely story, brought a lump to my throat. I hope all the Wheaton clan, human and animal, have a fantastic 2014. xxx

  8. Sometimes resolutions, however well intended, get in the way of what is best for us. I am glad you kept an open mind, allowing yourself to find a love and life greater than you may have imagined. Congratulations, Anne. Live the life you love!

  9. What a lovely story. New Year’s Eve is bittersweet for me, because it was on this date in 2007 (as I write, I realize it was almost exactly at this time of day, too) I married the best man in my life. We had known each other for 18 years, all that time with one or the other of us married to someone else. Finally, after living together for several years, both our legal statuses were resolved and we got legally married (my fourth, his fifth!). We picked New Years Eve because he said that way he’d never forget our anniversary.

    He didn’t have many to remember. We celebrated in 2008, but on our anniversary in 2009 he was in the middle of a devastating regime of radiation and chemo. He didn’t make it past the middle of 2010.

    I am going to have a good cry now, but your happy story reminds me that there is still love and wonder in the world. May you have many, many happy New Years ahead of you both. Take love when you find it, and cherish those you love, because you never know how long they’ll be around.

    1. Oh, Phaedra, I’m so sorry for your loss. I know we never know how long we have, so cherishing the time is always precious. My grandma taught me (after outliving all three of her husbands) that when you’re ready, you’ll find love. How wonderful that you had the time that you did together and know that one day, you’ll find love again when you’re ready. Cheers to a Happy New Year.

  10. A wonderful real life story; best to both of you as you celebrate your unique “how we met” anniversary!

  11. You are now the second relationship that i know of that started over a new year party. That must be a good time to start, my friends are still very much in love as well.
    Happy new year clan Wheaton <3.

  12. Brilliant. I’m so glad he dated you out of your resolution, and that along the way, you’ve decided to write. I love reading you both. Happy Anniversary, and Happy New Year!

  13. Adorable and geeky love story! My geeky guy and I met under chance circumstances throughout post-teen-hood and school only to find we had mutual friends who were neighbors at the time. I wasn’t looking for a guy yet felt so comfortable and natural with him. After a couple months we too thought “hey I’m not seeing anyone else= I guess we are a couple” officially. Been 13 years since our first date and imagine him not being in my life. Oh, and I too don’t make resolutions. I like to live life equally to the fullest and pursue my passions all through the year.

  14. This is the story I’d wanted to hear! I love the stories of how people meet and fall in love. I may be a single woman, but I’m still a romantic and refuse to let my singleness turn me into a cynic when it comes to true love. Would you and Wil ever tell the story together in front of a camera (like “When Harry Met Sally”)? That’d be so cute!

  15. Here’s to breaking resolutions left and right!

    I met my husband on New Year’s Eve, too. After a broken engagement and a vow to play the field, as I had never done that. That was sixteen years ago. Yeah, turns out I suck and resolutions AND having a fling. 🙂

  16. Beautifully written and brings to mind some of my own memories. I have been with my husband for 15 years on February 13th. We had the same instant connection that is still going strong. May you have many more years in your happily ever after.

  17. Anne, what a wonderful story. I love how good things happen when you’re least expecting it.

    I always wonder what someone thinks when they find out that the person they just met is somewhat famous. If it’s not too personal, did you know that Wil was an actor when you met him? It doesn’t sound like you were in the least starstruck, being as comfortable with each other as you obviously were from the beginning. But did it make you more likely or less likely to continue wanting to date him? I’m guessing it didn’t even come into play, because soulmates don’t care about things like that.

    I was just thinking about England’s Queen Mum, who turned down the future King George VI’s first two marriage proposals, because she wasn’t sure if she wanted to lead her life in the royal spotlight. Not to put Wil onto a royal pedestal or anything… 🙂

    I’m betting he was far more starstruck with your beauty and sense of humor. But what do I know.

  18. Wow. The Wil and Anne origin story….from Anne! Who’da thunk, huh?

    I’ll be honest. I read this post twice, and the second time, I had a very large smile plastered to my face. This is a beautiful tale, and after enduring one of the worst years I’ve ever had (thanks to my best non-human friend in the world dying and my mother’s cancer scare), reading a story with a happy ending that’s lasted for nearly two decades filled me with a lot of joy and hope. Thanks for sharing this story with the world, and may you, Wil, Ryan, and Nolan enjoy much love and fellowship for all the years to come.

    PS: I do have to say, seeing the interaction between you and Wil on Ticket To Ride last year made me laugh many times. You two are absolutely adorable together, and it’s AWESOME that you’re coming back for Ticket to Ride: Europe.

  19. Aw, what a wonderful and touching story! I really enjoy reading your posts on here.

    I came across your blog just a few days ago and I got a little upset at myself then. I said to myself “You’ve been reading Wil’s blog for well over a decade now and yet, you’ve never even noticed the link to his wife’s blog. What kind of a macho are you?”
    Well, after going through your posts in reverse chronological order, I quickly realized that the blog was actually pretty new and I had not ignored it or anything.

    So congratulations on your new blog! I love your posts so far and your audience of regular visitors just increased by one.

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